Birds, Bogs and Bugs at Brockholes

In Brief.

Brockholes is a nature reserve, adjacent to the River Ribble and the M6 motorway near Preston. The reserve occupies a site that has previously been quarried, and that has been developed to provide a variety of habitats including reed beds, lakes, woodland areas and a marsh. The centrepiece is a floating visitor centre that hosts a cafe, a welcome building with some information on wildlife and habitats, and some meeting spaces.  Seemingly you can also get married here! 

Visitor Village and Meadow Lake

What's Here?

Having recently visited more than one inland Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) reserve (the one at Leighton Moss features in a blog), some features are beginning to recur that are shared with Brockholes.  These include calm areas of water, paths that navigate trough a variety of habitats, views over the waterways, and hides that the very patient can use to get closer to the local wildlife (not being so patient, I moved on from one promptly, leaving behind a solitary pigeon).  At Brockholes, there are a variety of themed walks; I took the 3 mile Discovery Trail that includes views of the sedate River Ribble, some woodland, meadows and the various lakes, ponds and the marsh. This is all perfectly satisfactory, and with a little effort the traffic noise from the M6 can be overlooked, but likely the scenery would be more varied walking in the actual countryside.

The Visitor Village from the route to The Lookout hide.

In terms of wildlife, during my visit there were swans, geese and moor hens to be seen on the water, and several species of dragonfly and other unrecognisable insects buzzing around. There were even the ears of a deer in some deep grassland. There were a few enthusiasts lugging lengthy lenses around, who can no doubt boast more impressive sightings, but perhaps for most members of the public this is a fairly flat walk in the countryside.


Distance from Manchester Town Hall: 35 miles

Drive Time: 45 minutes.

Price: $

Parking: Entrance is free, but car parking is paid.

Food and Drink: There is a pleasant cafe with views over the lake.

Retail therapy: There is a welcome centre with a few souvenirs.

Child Friendly: There was a school trip present on the day of my visit; there is also an adventure play area.

Toilets: Yes.

Do it justice in: 2 hours

Inside-Outside: 10:90.


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